Current Research Projects - Blog Style
Current Research Projects - Blog Style
Texting to Improve Adherence in HIV+ with Bipolar Disorder
Agency: CHRP
Agency Award Number: ID09-SD-047
To improve the health of persons with HIV infection and bipolar disorder by testing a text messaging intervention that automatically sends text message reminders to participants.
Implementation of an Efficacious Intervention for HIgh Risk Women in Mexico
Agency: NIH/NIMH
Agency Award Number: 1R01MH08754-01A1
To study the implementation of an efficacious intervention to reduce STIs among female sex workers.
Raltegravir Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid
Agency: Merck Pharm
Agency Award Number: 33132
This project will estimate the penetration of Raltegravir into the brain by
measuring its concentrations in CSF and estimate the antiviral effectiveness
in the brain of Raltegravir by measuring HIV RNA levels in CSF.
HIV-1 Adaptation in the CNS
Agency: NIH/NIMH
Agency Award Number: 5R01NS051132-05
The Transmission and Fitness of Drug Resistant HIV
Agency Award Number: 5R01AI047033-06
To determine the prevalence of transmitted drug resistant variants including those that may be resistant to new antiretroviral targets such as inhibitors of viral fusion (enfuvirtide) and integration.
A Multi-Site Investigation into the Effect of HIV Clade on Neurocognitive Impairment
Agency: NIH/NIMH
Agency Award Number: 5R01MH083552-02
To characterize and compare the burden of HIV associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) occurring among individuals living in Brazil, China, India, Romania and the United States, and to evaluate the neurovirulent and neurotropic genotypic determinants between subtypes.
Mannose Binding Lectin in Neuroinflammation and NeuroAIDS
Agency: NIH/NIMH
Agency Award Number: 5R01MH085608-02
To determine the novel role of mannose binding lectin in susceptibility of HIV-1 infection in brain and related neuroinflammation, viral protein accumulation and neurocognitive impairment.