Dr. David Moore has agreed to serve as the UC San Diego Co-Director of the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program (JDP), effective July 1, 2025. He has a long-established commitment to the JDP with a 25+ year connection to the program in various roles as a student, alumnus, mentor, faculty member, UCSD Neuropsychology Track leader, and Steering Committee Member and Chair. These diverse experiences give him a unique perspective that will help him serve as the UC San Diego JDP Co-Director.

HNRP Investigators presented at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). CROI was established in 1993 to provide a forum for basic scientists and clinical investigators to present, discuss, and critique their investigations into the epidemiology and biology of human retroviruses and associated diseases. The synergy of basic science and clinical investigation has been a major contributor to the success of the meeting. CROI is the preeminent HIV research meeting in the world and includes up to 4000 HIV research and care leaders internationally. CROI has facilitated the presentation of important discoveries in the field, thereby accelerating progress in HIV and AIDS research.

Azin Tavasoli, Oluwakemi K. Okwuegbuna, Jennifer E. Iudicello, Asha Kallianpur, Ronald J. Ellis, Scott L. Letendre. Hepcidin Modifies Effects of Age and Erythrocyte Indices on Cognitive Function in People With HIV. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2024.

Azin Tavasoli, Bin Tang, Scott L. Letendre, Robert K. Heaton, Ronald J. Ellis. Neurocognitive decline in people with HIV is associated with lower blood pressure measurements. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2024.

The 2024 conference theme was "Culture & Connectivity". This meeting was designed to specifically emphasize cross-cultural neuropsychology, global collaboration, and professional integration across disciplines in a multicultural and interconnected world

Emma Churchill, Kevin Kuehn, Anne Heaton, Abigail Priel, Gabrielle Black, Peter Torre, David Moore, David Salmon, Drenna Waldrop, Michelle LaPlaca, Raeanne Moore. Evaluating a novel visuospatial-tracking virtual reality test in older adults with and without. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02/15/2024

Mariam Hussain, Miya Gentry, Molly Patapoff, Barton Palmer. The Association Between Loneliness and Functional Capacity in People with Schizophrenia. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02/15/2024 

Emily Paolillo, Kaitlin Casaletto, Annie Clark, Jack Taylor, Amy Wise, Sreya Dhanam, Mark Sanderson-Cimino, Brandon Palacios, Rowan Saloner, Shubir Dutt, Adam Boxer, Adam Staffaroni. Longitudinal decline in smartphone usage relates to disease severity and clinical progression in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02/15/2024 

Dr. Dave Grelotti

David Grelotti, MD was named a UC San Diego Health top-ranked physician. Physicians with a 4.9+ star rating are considered among the top 10% in the country.

Congratulations to Dafna Paltin for being selected as the 2023 Trainee Champion of Diversity Award winner for the UCSD Dept of Psychiatry!  She was chosen among an incredibly dedicated group of nominees, and was recognized by the selection committee for excellence in all the areas.

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